'Judgments hurt" (1st week)

"Judgments hurt"
Diane R. Masong

          The word “judging” is only a casual thing for us to do. We know that judging is a sin but we always tend to do it. We easily draw conclusions according to the physical appearance of a person and of how they behave in the society. Just like those homosexuals, others judge them according to their way of life but we don’t know who they really are. We tend to make conclusions about them according to their physical looks, language, and their career in life and how they dress but we don’t know what their true nature is.

        Sometimes we judge so much on others doings but we don’t have any knowledge what we are doing. However, we really judge others without knowing the true colors of that person. That’s why judging is bad it can cause a great impact to that person. They might be getting hurt in the end and the worst is most of the judgments are not true and is stated in negative. 

"Factors affecting ..." (1st week)

                                                      BY: AILA MAE J. MONES

Education is everybody’s major need and requirement for better life in the future. Different college courses were offered for students to choose their best choice. Thus, the career that fits the want of a student will become the bridge and foundation for his or her dream life in the future. Bridge with a strong foundation, if and only if it is really what the student want to achieve in life. But, what are really the factors affecting such matter?

            As in common, succession in education of a student mainly depends on three (3) things. First, is the student’s own choice of course in which the dream career of the student will build its foundation; dream career the student had been planning through his or her whole pre-college life is a good basis in choosing a course because the student’s will and aspiration to pursue is taking place. Consequently, students who luckily achieve this factor had been observed to be the most successful professionals. This is because, students are inspired to achieve their goals and follow the path leading to their dream professions. However, hindrances are on their way to manipulate the future courses of the students. One of which is the most common one, money. (2) Financial status is one of the most important factors in choosing career. Why? Simply because students, in spite of their perfect course choice, if financial aspect is not on their favor, still, that dream will remain on its status- a dream. Specially when that dream is more expensive than the other offered courses. Dreams that students really hoped and wished to reach, dream which is unable to be sustained by their parents. That’s why (3) parental choice is also one of the factors that affects the career of every student. This factor is sometimes caused by the financial problem of a family. Instead of enrolling the students’ chosen course, the parents considering the budget, will choose less expensive course. Also, parental choice may be because of parents’ dream career for their children. This is commonly known as a legacy of the family professions, considering the career of the family’s older generations. The said factor sometimes make the students lost their courage and determination because it seems that they were pleasing what their parent want, not of what  they dreamed.

            So, career of the students does not only rely on what they want to be. Different factors were also considered before engaging oneself to a certain field. In addition, successful career is always spelled by the students’ courage, determination and perseverance together with the family’s full support.

"Music of His Love" (1st week)


by  May Joy  l.  Umbajeno

         Loneliness is the doomed music of our heart. Here, the nightingale sings its music in the rhythm of the silence. Behind this manifestation is a countless reasons. The most common is dissatisfaction. Being unsatisfied with what we have means a failure to meet our dreams and desires. We never see contentment in our heart because something is lacking in our life. Despite of all our possessions and belongings, we still feel empty. In spite of all the achievements we have made and the popularity we got, we are still unhappy. There is still a missing piece in our heart. And we know that piece is cannot be found on earth’s crust. The music we are looking for is not voiced by a man. But we can feel it somewhere.

Yes, the real music of happiness is just in the midst. Its notes are innate in our tongue, waiting for us to sing it. Its lyrics whisper their sweetness wherever we may go, for it is always with us. Its melody never changes with time, but never does it fades with history. Its harmony is not a potion that captures our heart, yet it frees us from the darkness of our room. It plays to celebrate when we are happy and goes on louder to mourn whenever we cry. It never stops singing its song, nor slows down its voice whatever happens. In fact, it plays with infinity and keeps its voice up loud, loud enough for those asleep to hear.

 How beautiful to hear that music. How exciting to witness its calm voice filling our heart’s emptiness. Do you know what music is it? It is the music of God. His holy Words are more than enough to satisfy our needs and feed our hunger. A source of wisdom which provides explanation more than science could give. It may not be a treasure, but it is worthy than our possessions to keep. Blessed is the person who receive His grace, for he has everything more than what he needs. Blessed is the person who hears the music of his Love, for he is also receiving God’s gift of eternal happiness.

"Man is Insatiable" (1st week)

Man is insatiable
By: Fhoebe joy A. Cardinez 

       Man desires as much as he want. This attitude of man is engraved in his heart. Insatiable means no contentment at a certain desire. One example of this is, if you obtain a degree course yet you are not satisfied with it.  The job it brought to your fate does not satisfy you and you want to earn more. This attitude of a man is being drawn deeply by people who are thirsty of power and royalty, desiring more that what they have.
        Some people use this attitude as a sort of encouragement to attain one’s goal. That if one will work to fill his heart with contentment. If the person will use this to pursue his desire, success can be possible. But if someone will become used to it, it will devour one’s intelligence and destroy the good side of a person.
      Therefore, even if you are the richest and most powerful man in the world, you will feel that there is something missing. And you will not be contented.

English 2: Writing in Discipline (Introduction)


                Title, maybe a word or a phrase, controls the whole thought of an article. It stands as the foundation of the preceding paragraphs and therefore, serves as the limits of the contents.

            The world of words is wide. The language it says is infinite and the letters it uses are limitless. A single word possesses a powerful potion that can capture anyone’s heart. Its definition is not a meaning – it is the spirit of the word.

            Through this page, our young minds can share our ideas and opinions without the boundary of any limitation. May the spirit of our words shout its undying power.  


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