"Art of Mine" (2nd week)

by: May Joy L. Umbajeno

            Art is nothing less than love. Wherever love heats, art poses its blazing passion. And wherever the art exists, love makes it a fashion. Their fate are twisted together in a way that one is dependent to another. Love should display a passionate feeling to be called as love. An art must be made with interest and willingness rather than creativity alone. Letters make words, but with emotions it is poetry. Events make history; give it life and it will be a story. Therefore, creativity alone is not enough to make an art. It should have a deep foundation of love to be called as art.
            Art is a gift. It rests in each individual inherently. But it is harness with love, which is learned over time we live in this world. Artists are nothing extraordinary than any other person. The gifts that they receive is nothing more special than what others have. A sculptor’s hand molding a lustrous statue; a painter’s gentle strokes picturing a magnificent view;  writer’s words telling stories of life; dancer’s body moving gracefully; singer’s voice playing with melody – are artists’ skills made art by each received talent and undying aspirations. The gift possessed can be idle if not used, developed, and controlled. Arts don’t have to be learned, but each must be studied carefully to discover the limitless power it brings.
 Art is anything, everything we usually do. With this, we can live our lives artistically in our routines we do everyday. A household chores finished with unity, a job performed with commitment, prolems undergone with hopes, promises made with honesty, dreams built with faith, and life lived with happiness. All of these are simple ways of living made simplier and more fruitful by the art of love.          


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