If education is a road, college is a bumpy one. Its ground is roughened by the stones of problems, which often make someone’s long journey uncomfortable. The muddy puddles of temptations are common barricade to intruders, especially to young students. Plus, its narrowing gateways which lessen our chances to enter through success. All of these are only some of the characteristics which the roads you are taking now have.

             On the other hand, all those problems the college education has given great payment in return- a long term success. A kind of success worthy than the best job it can offer. An achievement that gives you a title more than the diploma holds. And it is ‘You’. Finding the real you beyond your limitations. The YOU reaching the peak of your dream, the you having control of yourself, more independent, competent, and developed. Consequently, you are repaying your family. Not by your provision of their need, but by giving dignity to your name.

Your success in life is heaven to them. Also, your community can gain from what you will reap. The product you can give, aside from the human force, is yourself. Being a responsible and obedient citizen is more than enough to lift up our country with plenty of patriotic hearts and wealthy spirits.

College education maybe difficult, but it has been booked in our long-term journey. Enjoy each rough situation it can offer you and let the uneven surfaces of the road mold you to be strong, grown, and trained. Adapt from the weather you are moving in, and feel its fierce from within. The road of success could be narrow, be the path of wisdom widely open for those who are brave and deserving.


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